Welcome on Grolm page

We are very exciting to annonce this alpha version in few weeks !

After few intensive months of work and before several years of clearing that's good, Grolm arrives ! I wish to thank Gaëtan C. for this excellent work on application which was crucial for progress of this project. Particular thanks to Eleonore too for majority of art. Register with the mindset that your feedback will be crucial and therefore register with a form of commitment to play, have fun and feedback the issues or remarks A mail will be created for issues and will be sent at same time the game will be online.

FRA - C'est avec une certaine excitation que nous vous proposons cette inscription, le jeu dans une version alpha est proche de la mise en ligne. Après quelques mois de travail intensif et surtout des années de gestation il arrive enfin. Je remercie particulièrement le dév front, Gaëtan C. sans qui rien de tout cela n'existerait encore, de même je tiens à saluer Eleonore pour la majorité des illustrations. Inscrivez vous à cette alpha avec à l'esprit que vos places sont précieuses, les retours encore plus. Jouez, amusez vous, remontez ce qui ne va pas. C'est fait pour cela ! Toute remontée sera plus pratique par mail à une adresse qui vous sera indiquée dès la mise en ligne. A bientôt !

Stay tuned!

Enter your email below for your register to alpha phase

Grolm what is it ?

Grolm is a Web game made for players loves dices, fights and crafting.

Central mechanism in Grolm is based on dices. Player craft it, loaded patiently and custom it. Dice used to earn resources, release quest or fight against opponents.
Craft also spells and army that will be consumed on fights !

Fights against opponent organized into periodically schedules tournaments, with qualifications and final phase, drop chest and boost your domain.


Fights are passives, so you need only to manage your Team, prepare it to hold the multiple fights of the tournament, and watch the results unfold as they come in, suspense guaranteed.

Your goal is destroy opponent army composed by quantity of tiny knights hitted by spell cast or hit by your Golem. So bring lot of tiny knight too for staying alive in Tournaments.

You like management game ? Ok let's manage Teams composed by Golem and Mage for fighting against opponents.

You like mastered the randomness ? Ok, dices crafted could be transformed, and loaded for best results.

you like situations of constant scarcity and optimization ? Grolm is soon online for you !

Grolm way to get informations

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About Grolm in general
About Dices
About Cards